Sunday, November 29, 2009

What To Write In A Card For Best Friends Wedding

Anatomy: vertebral column

In the spine there are 33 or 34 vertebrae, which are distributed in:
7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral and 4 coccygeal
Carasteristicas of a vertebra: vertebrae

have a rounded body with transverse processes, a espionsa apophyses, and a vertebral foramen ( through which the spinal cord)
the transverse process joins the call for a portion spinous lamina, and the body of the vertebra by pedicle.
by joining the vertebrae pedicles are defined between a hole, the hole in conjunction, where they exit the spinal nerves, which originate in the spinal cord

characteristics of each cervical vertebra
- body semilunar facet
- apophyses
-grooved transverse spinous process forked
-hole dorsal vertebral
-articular oblique spinous process without forking
- circular hole

lumbar spine:
--like transverse processes, spinous process
ribs rectangular
-hole horizontal and triangular vertebral

first cervical vertebra, atlas
second vertebra: axis
seventh cervical vertebra, prominent

Atlas: no body, has 2 lateral masses, and has glenoid cavity, where the occipital condyles articulate.

axis: it has a adontoides apophyses. this apophyses adontoides, the articulation with the high rotation allows movements of the head

prominent: it especially the spinous process is long, oblique and forks


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