The small intestine is between 6 and 8 feet long.
is divided into: yeyunoileon duodenum Duodenum
-measures approximately 25 centimeters
is divided into 4 parts: horizontal 1_, 2_ vercial , horizontal 3_, 4_
oblique form the so-called 'arc duodenal' housing the pancreas
has holes, which are: 1_ through Wirsung : bring secretion pancreatic
2_ampolla of vater : comes from a pipe that brings pancreatic amylase 3_
through chole : bringing liver secretions
measured between 5 and 6 meters
over here absorbed nutrients, carbohydrates. proteins, etc
curves presenting the jejunum are called handles yeyono
the inside contains villi that increase the absorption
intestinal jejunum is the travel from the end of the duodenum (4 portion) to the start of the cecum (large intestine)
The jejunum is composed of 3 layers - Tunica muscle
- tunica serosa
- tunica mucosa
The main jejunal function is to help absorb nutrients
Ileum: Esla portion of the small intestine.
intestine: fear about 1, 60 different routes in their first
portion is the blind, which measures approximately 6 inches diameter of , in total, large intestine, is 1, 60 at different distances.
the end of the small portion intestine that communicates with the cecum (first portion large bowel ) is ileocecal valve
the large intestine has an appendix, which is the appendix veriforme
then the cecum, is the ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon and sigmoid colon, ending in the rectum.
The colon has haustral (dents) that give shape, also has longitudinal tracts, and also epiploic appendices (which are fat droplets attached?
the large intestine has 3 layers: muscle, serosa and mucosa
Its main function is water absorption, and also convert the remaining fecal
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