Sunday, November 22, 2009

What Does The Red Line Means In Mount And Blade

Anatomy: Anatomy

gland is all organ that stores, synthesizes and secretes substances that may or not hormones.

The glands are divided into: - endocrine glands endocrine (when the content goes into the blood)
- Exocrine Glands screcion

- ductless glands mixed

Salivary Glands: Parotid

: is the most voluminous of exocrine secretion
This parotidia housed in the cell, mesetero the muscle.
has a tube that carries saliva into the mouth, through

submaxillary Stennon: underneath the lower jaw.
submaxillary glands have excretory duct: duct Sublingual

Warton: coducto because it has no is located under the tongue and is the youngest of the 3

Liver: galandula is the most voluminous of the body, weighs about 1500g
the exogenously, produces bile, which is housed in the gallbladder
the endocrine produces 2 hormones: albumin and bass, going to the hugado
bloodstream is located in the right upper quadrant and epigastric part
the hiagado is divided into: right lobe (which is subdivided into 3 lobes)

left lobe plus the lobes are further divided into lobules
the common bile duct that leads to the second portion of the duodenum, is formed by the intersection of cystic duct (from the gallbladder) and bile duct (liver)


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