about 2 years ago that we are working to Moldetelar change, follow its evolution as a dynamic idea that is.
When we begin to capture the idea of \u200b\u200bweaving machines to produce garments shaped not hesitate to make them as they were before.
use them, enjoy them, perfected the technique of making clothes, had many people from different countries who became enamored of the idea, get all sorts of incentives , compliments and expressions of affection and approval.
At the same time we see their limitations and slowly began working to modify , then we do not curb any of the "crazy" ideas we came up and all were evaluated.
With many hours of work was to emerge the best way to make them separable and that the same set of parts can weave different sizes, whether you have 2 options-neck, round and V.
Behind the result is still a very tight pattern drawing and technical development that allows the change of sizes with perfect assembly of parts for each loom and optimal results reinforced fabric and garments.
sooo happy with what I achieved, I feel this is a new stage and will certainly bring us new contacts, new and more rewarding.

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